
Helping Adolescents who Self Harm

February 28, 2024

I have been asked to work with a group of teachers to help them better understand self harm among adolescents. Currently there is limited research in this area. Self harm is a growing problem among adolescents. It is estimated that…

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Academic Success Levers for African American Males

February 28, 2024

Last week I was a presenter at the National Association of Independent Schools, “People of Color Conference”, in San Diego, California. A diverse group of educators from across the country gathered to learn about best practices in diversity and multicultural…

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Update: Improving the Acedemic Achievement of African American Boys

February 28, 2024

Welcome I am happy to report on the progress of one of my consulting projects. In previous posts I explained how I am working with a charter school to improve the academic achievement and overall school adjustment of their African…

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