Hinderlie and Associates

Ensuring Student Success

February 28, 2024

Welcome This is the first in a series of blogs that are written to empower people who work with and care about children and youth. This includes parents, educators and those working with children/youth. I hope to generate discussion about meeting…

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Technology and Education: Opportunities and Challenges

February 28, 2024

A middle school principal requested I say something about technology and education. “I look forward to reading your new blog with greatinterest. One possible topic would be how educators navigate the promiseof technology and the impact (positive and troubling) of…

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Partnering for Academic Achievment

February 28, 2024

Welcome A September article from Education Week describes and interesting initiative. “The Covenant between Minneapolis Public Schools and The African American Mobilization for Education” represents a grassroots effort to close the academic achievement gap. Local community groups, parents, and school…

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Falling Through the Cracks

February 28, 2024

Welcome A parent talked with me about their son who was struggling in his first year in high school. He had been a top student in elementary and middle school. Halfway through his freshman year he was posting C’s and…

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Creating “Boy Friendly” Schools

February 28, 2024

Welcome A charter school recently asked me to work with them on improving the academic and social experiences for their boys. This coed, urban, school has had tremendous success over the years in educating their students and preparing them for…

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Social Cruelty Part 1

February 28, 2024

Welcome I was recently at a youth athletic event, and the adult/youth dynamic reminded me of how it is for parents, caretakers, and educators dealing with a child’s social vortex. The coaches, parents, etc, could only watch from the sidelines…

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Social Cruelty Part 2

February 28, 2024

Welcome I have had several recent conversations with parents and educators about helping children and youth deal with social cruelty. Interestingly, this week also marks the 10 year anniversary of the Columbine tragedy.  There have also been recent stories in the…

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Social Cruelty Part 3

February 28, 2024

Welcome It is sometimes hard for adults to bear witness to the emotional rollercoaster experience of the adolescent social world.  Parents and caretakers feel protective of their child’s vulnerability. Adults naturally want to help and support when they see a child’s…

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Supporting the Academic Success of African American Young Men

February 28, 2024

Welcome For the past 2 months I have been working with a charter school on improving the academic and social experiences for their young men. This coed, urban, school has had tremendous success over the years in educating their students…

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Eliminate the Achievement Gap

February 28, 2024

Welcome Last week I was resident faculty for the Diversity Directions Independent School Diversity Seminar, in greater Boston. Independent and charter school educators from around the country participated in a week of workshops and discussions on race, class, privilege and…

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